Celestial Affliction

2023 / Oil on Canvas / 45.72 cm x 91.44 cm

Richard Barnet inspired me to take a different view of diseases and the different elements.This piece of art highlights the shift of the individual between the different layers of the self, in terms of how beauty transforms from adverse circumstances as a result of the change the individual undergoes from psychological and physical trials. The grace and beauty that results is encapsulated in the cavalier expression reflecting strength.Various perspectives leads to diverse interpretations.

Floating Anticipation

2024 / Oil on Canvas / 60.96 cm x 91.44 cm

Influenced by Richard Barnet's visionary style, this artwork employs intricate patterns and dynamic shapes to construct a surreal setting without societal pressure and judgments of the external world. Foregoing society's expectations, and immersing themselves in their own world of authenticity and self-discovery, which leads to genuine introspection. The cells are amplified to symbolize the fundamentals of life which imprint who we are. 

Biological Tapestry

2024 / Oil on Canvas / 40 cm diameter

This piece employs abstract style through lines and blending, inspired by Richard Barnet, to create a sense of the imaginative elements that represent rebirth and the shift in the individual’s perspective. The focus is on how there remains a key element of persistence in individual identity over time. The change also reflects an element of rebirth as it relates to an atmosphere where new life blooms, suggesting the birth of something new and unseen.

The Breaking Point

2024 / Acrylic tube, Clay, Ice, Objects  / 118 cm x 84 cm

Influenced by Néle Azevedo, using ice installation to promote social issues, the installation portrays the implications and suffering caused by ALS on its victims, highlighting the advancements in technology aimed at aiding their recovery.

Crutch Stand

2023 / Fused Deposition Modeling (ABS)

The product aims to allow stability of crutches to be placed in a secure and safe position which is mainly for secondary school students who have to use crutches to aid in mobility during injury and who have to shift around for classes in school

Strangled Alive

2023 / Watercolor and color pencil / 46 cm x 61 cm

This artwork symbolizes humanity and Earth, looking into the adverse consequences of human’s unyielding desire to obtain resources and the mutation caused by toxic wastes. Inspired by John Singer Sargent, the fusion of man and jellyfish signifies a relationship that has grown strained due to our inexhaustible desire. The cigarette signifies the use of natural resources as disposable and using it not to its intended purpose, which is to improve human’s lives, instead it is harming the human. 

Homo polypus

2022 / Watercolor and color pencil / 46 cm x 61 cm

The octopus man questions mankind’s use of technology in a way that consumes him alive. With hints at genetic alterations,implying human greed and a fine line between enhancement and monstrosity. Will mankind’s existence be inseparable from his procedures? Will xenotransplantation as a medical procedure gain increasing popularity in the future? Inspired by John Singer Sargent, the technique and subject matter, dealing with aspects which intrigue and bemuse at the same time. 

Silent Struggles

2023 / Watercolor and color pencil / 46 cm x 61 cm

This piece of art, influenced by John Singer Sargent, depicts a metaphorical illustration of the intricate relationship between individuals and the burdens that the society pressurizes on them. Social obligations and expectations are embodied in this artwork. It emphasizes how overpowering societal obligations may be resulting in lethargy. This piece of art invites us to reflect on the frailty of peace in the face of society's incessant demands as we negotiate the intricacies of modern life. 

Mural Project

2024 / Acrylic Paint

Poem name: Projected Slide of an Unknown Soldier, Stanza : The Mouth was open stretched wide in a call or howl (there was no tongue) of agony, ultimate command or simple famine. The canine teeth ranged back into the throat and vanished.

The Hunt

2024 / Digital Media / 40 inch x 23 inch

The comic depicts what occurs when there is a lack of basic resources and what is needed for the basic functions of life. Without oxygen and enough resources, people will then be forced to turn to alternative sources. 

The Ethereal Rivalry: Shadows on the Felt

Digital Media  / 41 inch x 21 inch

This artwork depicts the moral complexities in the setting of the pool hall.  While the play of light and shadow represents the delicate balance between virtue and temptation, the strategic precision of the pool matches our ethical decisions. This piece of art invites spectators to consider the fuzziness of the boundaries between good and wrong by acting as a symbolic battlefield. The piece examines the ongoing battle of human nature and invites reflection on the effects of our actions through the subtle story woven into the fabric of the pool table. Additionally, a policeman is used to symbolize righteousness and uprightness, juxtaposed with the dubious man beside him.  


2023 / Oil on Canvas / 45.72 cm x 45.72 cm 

Lost their identity through factors that are beyond their control, for instance health. These artworks are inspired by Samuel Adoquei, the choice of colors and brushstroke to emphasize on the subject matter, especially their facial emotion and features. This creates introspection within the artworks and evokes empathy with the audience. Fate spares no one, irrespective of their social status or race, illustrating the plight amidst progress  

Screen-printing (Stomach Pain)